Opens During Art Hop, October 6, 2017
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
For 20 years, Shawn Sheehy has been creating pop-up books that explore the wild world and the place of humans within it. This exhibit will feature Sheehy’s artist books, individual pop-up folios, and a selection of the ephemera and process work that surround his practice.
Lecture: Pop-up Bestiaries and Herbiaries: What We Can Learn by Cataloging the “Wild”Thursday, October 5: 6:00 pm in the Richmond Center, RCVA 2008
The KBAC joins with Western Michigan University Libraries Special Collections and Rare Book Department, and the Frostic School of Art, to welcome visiting pop-up book artist and paper engineer Shawn Sheehy. This visit is supported by a grant from the WMU Visiting Scholars and Artists Program.
Workshops: “Pop-Up Wildflower Greeting Cards: Spring Set” and “Pop-Up Wildflower Greeting Cards: Summer Set”
Saturday, October 7, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm and Sunday, October 8, Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Visit our Workshops page for more info.
Shawn Sheehy has a B.S. in Education from Valparaiso University, an A.A. in Graphic Design from Madison College, and an MFA in Book Arts from Columbia College Chicago. He has been teaching book arts courses and workshops on the national level—primarily in paper making and paper engineering—since 2001. His broadsides and artist book editions have been collected by numerous prestigious universities, including Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, University of Chicago, Library of Congress, UCLA, and Harvard. His pop-ups have been featured twice in both Hand Papermaking magazine and Vintage magazine. Sheehy’s trade pop-up book Welcome to the Neighborwood (a mass-market version of his artist book) was released in 2015, winning numerous awards. He’s currently at work on his next trade book—a mass-market version of his artist book Beyond the Sixth Extinction—and it will be released through Candlewick in Autumn 2018. Visit him at