KBAC Gallery
7:00 p.m.
Hedy Habra & Diane Seuss with broadsides by Crystal Shaulis and John McKaig.
Hedy Habra
Hedy Habra is the author of two poetry collections, Tea in Heliopolis (Press 53 2013), winner of the USA Best Book Award and finalist for the International Poetry Book Award and more recently, Under Brushstrokes (Press 53 2015); a story collection, Flying Carpets (Interlink 2013), winner of the Arab American National Book Award’s Honorable Mention and finalist for the USA Best Book Award and the Eric Hoffer Book Award. She received the Nazim Hikmet Poetry Award. Her work appears in journals such as The Bitter Oleander, Connotation Press, Cutthroat, Verse Daily, Blue Fifth Review, Nimrod, New York Quarterly, Drunken Boat, Diode, Cider Press Review, Poet Lore and Cimarron Review. She has a passion for painting and teaches Spanish at Western Michigan University. Her website is HedyHabra.com
Diane Seuss
Diane Seuss’s most recent collection, Four-Legged Girl, is forthcoming in October 2015 from Graywolf Press. Her second book, Wolf Lake, White Gown Blown Open, won the Juniper Prize and was published by the University of Massachusetts Press in 2010. Her first collection, It Blows You Hollow, was published by New Issues Poetry and Prose in 1998. She has received a Pushcart Prize, and a poem originally published in The Missouri Review appeared in The Best American Poetry 2014. Her poetry and brief prose have received awards from Indiana Review, Quarter After Eight, Mid-American Review, and the Summer Literary Seminars contest. Seuss was the MacLean Distinguished Visiting Professor in English at Colorado College in 2012 and she is Writer in Residence at Kalamazoo College.